Privacy Policy for IATC Applicants/Participants

This Privacy Policy sets out how your personal data is collected, stored, used, processed, and protected in connection with the application, registration and participation in the motorcycling competitions for young riders called Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup and Northern Talent Cup (hereinafter “Talent Cup/s“) organized by Dorna Sports, S.L. (hereinafter “DORNA” or “the organization”).This Privacy Policy is addressed to the Riders applying and/or participating in the Talent Cups (hereinafter, the “PARTICIPANT”, or the “Rider”) as well as to their legal representatives and companions, whose data may be collected and processed for the proper management of the PARTICIPANT‘s participation in the Talent Cups (hereinafter, jointly, the “data subjects”). The protection and security of your personal data is fundamental to DORNA, so through thisPrivacy Policy we want to explain in a simple, clear and transparent way how we process and protect your personal information. In any case, we inform you that DORNA has appointed a Data Protection Officer, with whom you can contact for any question related to the processing of your personal data at the e-mail address .

  2. Owner: Dorna Sports, S.L.// Registered office: Calle Príncipe de Vergara 183, 28002, Madrid (Spain)// TAX ID: B84760800
  3. Data Protection Officer:

The data will be processed for the purpose of managing your registration and participation in the relevant Talent Cup, as well as in the events related to the Talent Cup competitions. In this regard, the processing of PARTICIPANTS’ personal data will be necessary for the following activities related to your participation:

  • Management of the contractual relationship generated with the organization, sponsors and promoters of the circuits in which the PARTICIPANT is involved.
  • Management of travel, accommodation and attendance to events necessary to enable the PARTICIPANT’s presence at the Talent Cup.
  • Access control of the PARTICIPANT to the facilities where the Talent Cup takes place.
  • Management of payments and deposits, if any, to which the PARTICIPANT is obliged in the framework of its registration and participation in the Talent Cup.
  • The management of the PARTICIPANT’s image rights assignment for promotional activities related to his/her participation in the Talent Cup, in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.

Likewise, in case of injury, accident or if the health of the PARTICIPANT has been affected in a way that his/her aptitude to continue participating in the Talent Cup is affected, DORNA may, exceptionally, process data related to the health of the PARTICIPANT, limited to those strictly necessary to comply with the applicable legislation and the Terms and Conditions of participation in the corresponding Talent Cup. In this regard, as a consequence of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the Talent Cup, DORNA may process the PARTICIPANT’s personal data related to his/her health in order to communicate them to third parties for the exclusive purpose of informing about his/her physical condition on the occasion of any accident or injury occurred during the Talent Cup.


In order to manage the registration and participation of the PARTICIPANT in the corresponding Talent Cup, DORNA will process the following categories of data relating to the PARTICIPANT in the competition:

  • Identification and contact information: name, surname, passport number, date of birth, postal address, email, telephone number, city, country.
  • Personal characteristics data: nationality, gender, height, weight.
  • Financial and/or insurance data: proof of bank transfer of the deposit, insurance subscription data.
  • Other data: data related to competition experience, social media accounts.
  • Image and voice (photography, video capture).
  • Health-related data in accordance with the following provisions.

As a consequence of the PARTICIPANT’s participation in the relevant Talent Cup and/or related events, in accordance with the purposes set out above and the Terms and Conditions, the Authorized Doctors, as well as the services contracted to provide medical services and any Hospital in which he/she is treated (hereinafter the “Caregivers”), may collect and process the Rider’s personal data, including data relating to health (considered as a special category of data). Furthermore, the Caregivers, when necessary for the correct assistance of the PARTICIPANT within the framework of the Talent Cup or related events, may communicate to authorized third parties, including DORNA, FIM and FIM Europe, data concerning the Rider’s health. In such case, the data processed by DORNA shall be limited to basic data deriving from medical results and, in general, to the strictly necessary data for the intended purpose.

The PARTICIPANT’S participation in the Talent Cup requires the provision and processing by DORNA of third-party data, exclusively, with the purpose of complementing the PARTICIPANT’S lack of capacity, which consists of:

Legal guardian/legal representative of the Rider:

  • Identification and contact data: Name, surname, ID card number, signature, telephone number and e-mail address.

Accompanying person:

  • Identification and contact information: Name, surname, e-mail and telephone number.

The PARTICIPANT or, if applicable, his/her father, mother or legal guardian, guarantees to have the authorization to provide the data of third parties and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this Privacy Policy to them, exempting DORNA from any liability in this regard. However, DORNA may carry out periodic verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.


The data requested are, in general, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the corresponding field), as they are necessary for the correct management of the registration and participation of the PARTICIPANT in the corresponding Talent Cup.

Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, the Data Controller will not be able to correctly manage the PARTICIPANT’s participation in the Talent Cup.


The lawful basis for the processing of personal data of the Rider, pursuant to Article 6.1, b) of the GDPR derives from the execution of the contractual relationship established through the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of participation in the relevant Talent Cup. More precisely, DORNA may process the Rider’s health data when it is necessary to protect his vital interests or those of another person, in the event that he/she is not physically able to consent to such processing or when it is necessary to provide him/her with medical assistance, care or diagnosis, (article 9.2. letters c) and h) of the RGPD), in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force and, specifically, with the Spanish Sports Law, provided that the development of the competition requires the processing of these special categories of data.

Finally, the Rider’s personal data will be processed when necessary to comply with legal obligations required to DORNA, based on Article 6.1.e) RGPD related to the applicable legislation on civil, administrative, criminal or any other applicable law.


The personal data of the interested party may be communicated to:

  • Public Administrations with competence in the matter, exclusively when there is a requirement to that effect.
  • Courts and Tribunals, in case of specific requirements made in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  • Public Security Bodies, in case of specific requirements made in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Likewise, personal data may be communicated to:

  • FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) and third parties related to the management of the competitions: Circuits, promoters, sponsors, media involved in the coverage of the corresponding Talent Cup, as well as hotels or transportation service providers, among others, that may be necessary for the management of the participation in the competition.

Additionally, the data may be accessible by DORNA’s suppliers, being such access necessary for the proper fulfillment of legal obligations and/or the purposes indicated above. These suppliers will not process your personal data for their own purposes that have not been previously informed by DORNA.


The processing of data for the purposes arising from the management of the participation in IATC involves international transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). DORNA will apply the appropriate measures and guarantees in this field in accordance with the regulations in force for the best protection of your personal data and, more specifically, will use the mechanisms provided for in Chapter V of the GDPR in order to apply the appropriate guarantees in each case.


As a general rule, when the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, they will be blocked and will be made available only to the competent authorities for the attendance of legal responsibilities arising from the processing, always in accordance with the applicable regulations, and may not be used for different purposes. Once the corresponding conservation periods have elapsed in the event of blocking, such personal data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Particularly, the PARTICIPANT’S personal data will be processed for as long as they are necessary for the management of the participation in the corresponding Talent Cup. After the end of the competition, the data will be duly blocked for the corresponding period with regard to the legal actions that may arise from the participation in the competition.

The following data may also be kept indefinitely:

  • Data necessary for the certification of attendance or participation in the competition.
  • Data included in audiovisual records.
  • Data that must be kept in accordance with the legislation on historical or documentary heritage and/or archiving.

The interested party (indistinctly referred to the PARTICIPANT; father, mother or legal guardian; or the accompanying person):

  • Guarantees that the data provided to DORNA are true, accurate, complete and updated. Minors may not use DORNA’s services without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts performed through DORNA’s services, and they will be the ones to enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from providing personal data without their supervision. The applicant, in the case of minors, their legal representative, is responsible for the veracity of all the data provided and will keep the information provided conveniently updated, in such a way that it corresponds to their real situation.
  • You guarantee that, in the event that you provide information from third parties, you have informed them of the mentions included in this document. You also guarantee that you have obtained their express authorization to provide their data to DORNA for the aforementioned purposes.
  • You will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information you provide during the registration process and during the management of your participation in the competition, as well as for any damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause to DORNA or third parties.

Data subjects may exercise, by writing to DORNA at the address indicated in the heading of this Policy, or by sending an e-mail to the DPO address indicated above, at any time and free of charge, their data protection rights and, specifically, the following:

  • Access to their personal data and obtain confirmation as to whether DORNA is processing personal data concerning the data subject.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • To withdraw the consents granted.
  • Object to certain processing and, specifically, those based on DORNA’s legitimate interest.
  • Request the erasure of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Obtain from DORNA the restriction the processing when any of the conditions provided for in the data protection regulations are met.
  • Request the portability of the data provided by the user in those cases provided for in the regulations.

Likewise, in case of considering the data protection rights have been violated, the interested parties have the right to file a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( at the address Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or the Competent Authority. In any case, we will try to attend all the requests of the interested parties effectively, so we recommend that you contact us in order to analyze the specific situation and try, if necessary, to find an effective solution.


DORNA will process the data of the interested party, at all times, in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting for this purpose the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and avoid its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

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